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What is the true value of a masters?

Updated: Jun 23, 2022

A Master’s can sometimes be seen simply as a way of prolonging university and putting off job hunting, however, this is not the case. There are plenty valuable reasons to study for a Master’s degree, not least the fact that it can increase your employment opportunities and as well as your salary expectations. It certain fields it can also be vital to progress and advance in a job field. We look at the top reasons you should think of applying for a Master’s.

Specialised knowledge:

Earning a Master’s unlocks a new world of knowledge and allows you to specialise in a subject in depth. Whilst an undergraduate degree shows your dedication and interest, a Master’s shows your perseverance and expertise.

A Change of Direction:

If you completed your undergraduate degree and subsequently decided this was not the field you wanted to progress into, then a Master’s degree can offer a path to a new subject area and new job prospects. With one degree under your belt, you are often more aware of what you would like to do with your life. This new understanding means you can make a confident choice about your next steps.

Moreover, a Master’s is often useful to convert your degree and change direction to a new career, such as the Law Conversion (GDL) or the Post graduate certificate of Education (PGCE). You should consider the wider picture also and think, do I want to do a PhD? In which case, you most likely need a Master’s as a stepping stone.

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Career advancement:

To work out how valuable it would be for you to study for a Master’s, you should assess jobs in the area you would like to work in, and see what the requirements are. Some professions such as banking or marketing may require the specialised knowledge of a Master’s degree, in which case it will be important to take this next step for your career development. Typically STEAM subjects will require a Master’s for specialisation, whereas vocational professions are less focused on a Master’s qualification and value experience over degree titles.

Increased Earning:

A Master’s qualification can often be key to unlocking promotions and increased earning potential. For example, biology and life sciences graduates with advanced degrees earn 63% more than those with bachelor’s degrees. Overall, employees with bachelor’s degrees earn around $2.27million over their career, whilst those with a Master’s earn up to $3.65million. The difference here is remarkable and a clear value added in completing a Master’s.

A world of possibilities:

Some students find that during their undergraduate degrees, they do not have access to specialist materials or teaching resources, and with a Master’s, this specialisation becomes necessity. Particularly, with subjects such as English, the courses studied in an Undergraduate degree are often broad and generic, yet a student may have a burning interest in a specific time or subject. A Master’s grants a student a world of possibilities and an ability to gain field specific knowledge to a greater extent, encouraging both enjoyment and nourishment.

Studying for a Master’s is no easy feat, you will have to be self-motivated, diligent, and enthusiastic, however, the value can definitely be worth the challenge. You will gain a highly regarded additional qualification, a wealth of knowledge and greater earning potential. You will also gain a network of useful connections from your fellow experienced students and professors. In an ever more competitive market, this could be the value needed to make you stand out and give you the competitive edge!


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